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The Parker Points of our wines in the new update of "The Wine Advocate"

On 30th August, one of the most recognised wine reviewers, The Wine Advocate, published an article on ¨Spain : Priorat and the Appellations of Catalunya - The Names of the Land and Corpinnat¨, written by Luis Gutierrez.
We are thrilled and grateful to be included in this review.
Meravelles 2015 - 92 PP
Presència 2017 - 91 PP
Sota els Àngels 2016 - 90 PP
Arketipo 2015 - 90 PP
Flow Pink 2018 - 89 PP
Flow Tinto 2018 - 88 PP
Flow Blanco 2018 - 88 PP
You can find the completed article in the subscription website robertparker.com or a resume in https://elmon.cat/vadevi/actualitat/vins-doq-priorat-arrasen-puntuacions-parker-d-enguany